concrete5 Japan community-base free theme “Stucco” and free add-on “Manual Nav” are now available
concrete5 has very strong community base in Japan. It’s because there are a number of people who believe in open source, and concrete5 Japan was able to organize the strong user base. Recently, concrete5 Japan is trying to bridge the language barrier of marketplace, and succeeded in releasing a free theme, “Stucco” and a free…
Multilingual WordPress and Very Important Message from WordCamp Kansai 2015
On July 25~26, 2015, I had an opportunity to speak at WordCamp Kansai 2015 to talk about the multilingualization of WordPress. Every year, the team of WordPress Nagoya community members car-pool and attend WordCamp Kansai event. This is our 4th time to do so since 2011. WordCamp Kansai 2015 was taking place at Osaka University,…
3,000 people in 2 years
I just finished filling out the 10th notebooks. 10 notebooks in 2 years. These are the notebook that I started taking in September 2008 when I first came up with the idea of YokosoNews. As a media, it’s all about how much information you can gather, edit them, and publish it to the public. As…
Airbag made for human
From TV Tokoy’s World Business Satellite News, a Japanese safety and medical company developed a airbag for human. © 2008 Prop – 株式会社プロップ – All Rights Reserved (The images were taken from company’s web site – 画像は会社ホームページより) Safety Life Jacket “Itsumo (Always)” (product page in Japanese)http://www.prop-g.co.jp/product_itsumo.html The device was co-developed by Prop, Chiba University and Tokyo Metropolitan College…
Wasabi Silent Fire Alarm developed by a Japanese Venture
BBC, Nikkei Business Daily and “Gaiya no Yoake” (TV Tokyo’s Business TV Program) reported the invention of a wasabi fire alarm for deaf people. This device is developed by Seems, Inc., a Japanese venture. Seems, Inchttp://www.seems-inc.com/en/index.html The CEO, Naoki Urushibata, began this scent business because of his older sister’s unfortunate death of cancer. He realized…