concrete5 Japan community-base free theme “Stucco” and free add-on “Manual Nav” are now available
concrete5 has very strong community base in Japan. It’s because there are a number of people who believe in open source, and concrete5 Japan was able to organize the strong user base. Recently, concrete5 Japan is trying to bridge the language barrier of marketplace, and succeeded in releasing a free theme, “Stucco” and a free…
Cerevo LiveWedge First Impression
After a year long wait from the Cerevo, I was finally able to receive LiveWedge from Cerevo, which is 4 channel live HDMI video switcher. I’ve paid the money and waited for a half year! When I went to InterBEE (The Japan’s biggest video and broadcasting exhibition) last November, Cerevo told me that they would release LiveWedge…
FMLE: How to Ustream the HD, High and Low quality multi streams
Using Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2 (FMLE), you can now stream 3 different quality of streams using Ustream like SpaceVideoCast.com SpaceVidCast http://www.ustream.tv/spacevidcast As on June 6, 2011, you can only 1st Stream will be labeled as “HD” 2nd Stream will be labeled as “High” 3rd Stream will be labeled as “Low” No matter what your…
Don’t miss WordCamp 2010 Nagoya on Oct 30
This blog post was written as a draft work for the official site. For the latest information, visit http://nagoya2010.wordcamp.jp/english . A very exciting open source event coming to Nagoya on October 30, 2010 about blogging. I am the programmers and Ustream broadcaster for the event. WordPress is a free and open source blogging software. Many…
Softbank did it again – Free Ustream Studio, and Free WiFi spots
One of the Japanese cell-phone cariors, Softbank is known for foreigner-friendly carrior. With its innovative mind set is somewhat similar to that of Apple. Today, they did it again. Softbank gained the Japan’s most friendly cell phone company in Japan among Twitter users. From one tweet from Japanese Twitter user to Softbank CEO, Masatoshi Son,…