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concrete5 TinyMCE Office Config Sample for 5.6.x and earlier

This is the simple copy of concrete5.6.3.2 Office setting of TinyMCE.

When you want to customize the buttons of concrete5 TinyMCE editor, you need to create your own config text file.

If you feel you’re troublesome, you may want to subtract the options from Office Theme from concrete5.

I’ve created this option for you.

Git Repo

How to use

  1. Login to your own concrete5 site
  2. Go to System and Setting from Dashboard
  3. Go to Basic and Rich Text Editor
  4. Select Custom
  5. Paste the content of office.config text file in this git repo onto the text area
  6. Edit the config text as you wish.
  7. Save it
  8. Check the Content Block for the change. And repeat until you are happy.

For more information about TinyMCE config, visit its official documentation


Have fun.

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