Tag: Media 2.5

  • YokosoNews is on British Airways

    YokosoNews is on British Airways

    It’s great honor to be on the June 2013 issue of British Airways’ High Life Magazine! I was featured asĀ 12 of the best city news tweeters across the globe. Thank you BA!

  • [Editorial] Dolphin, Whales and YokosoNews

    Earlier today, one of my YokosoNews contributors traveled to Kumano, Japan. And he went to eat the local cuisine which include the dolphin. Then he posted the photo on YokosoNews Facebook page. I immediately deleted the photo from the YokosoNews Facebook Page. But I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal opinion…

  • New design!

    New design!

    I just installed the new theme for my blog. I hope you like it. Although concrete5 is much superior in theme design whereas WordPress is very hard to design a theme, WordPress is still the key player of CMS, especially as a blog platform. It’s very good as maintaining a number of simple title-and-text contents.

  • FMLE: How to Ustream the HD, High and Low quality multi streams

    FMLE: How to Ustream the HD, High and Low quality multi streams

    Using Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2 (FMLE), you can now stream 3 different quality of streams using Ustream like SpaceVideoCast.com SpaceVidCast http://www.ustream.tv/spacevidcast As on June 6, 2011, you can only 1st Stream will be labeled as “HD” 2nd Stream will be labeled as “High” 3rd Stream will be labeled as “Low” No matter what your…

  • 3,000 people in 2 years

    3,000 people in 2 years

    I just finished filling out the 10th notebooks. 10 notebooks in 2 years. These are the notebook that I started taking in September 2008 when I first came up with the idea of YokosoNews. As a media, it’s all about how much information you can gather, edit them, and publish it to the public. As…

  • The rise of “Media 2.5”

    As a journalist and editor of a several publications, I can no longer ignore the trend of this social media movement. Previously, we had a clear distinction between mass media and personal blog media. However, Twitter, Ustream and YouTube shortened the gap between “mass” and “personal”. This is not the viral marketing. Viral marketing is…