Cerevo LiveWedge First Impression

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

After a year long wait from the Cerevo, I was finally able to receive LiveWedge from Cerevo, which is 4 channel live HDMI video switcher.

I’ve paid the money and waited for a half year!

When I went to InterBEE (The Japan’s biggest video and broadcasting exhibition) last November, Cerevo told me that they would release LiveWedge in January. I was very skeptical due to the multiple push back of the schedule. However, I got hold of it on January 31!

Unfortunately, I have to take care of other project, so I won’t be able to review the full review yet.


But I believe this device would revolutionize the way we do live broadcasting.

Previously, I was using Blackmagic ATEM 1M/E. I thought that was already light and easy to navigate. This is way more easy to live-cast events.


Quick Pros and Cons

The quick Pros and Cons as of February 1, 2015 after a few hours of operations. Some function will may be resolved by the time you read this article.


  • Very light and small
  • Easy to carry
  • No need to bring extra laptop for live cast
  • iPad app is very intuitive. Not so much dragging
  • Audio delay capability to sync HDMI delay


  • No direct audio monitoring but through HDMI embedded audio
    • You must have a HDMI monitor with headset jack in order to monitor the audio.
  • SD Card doesn’t play movie yet
    • This means that you may want to prepare the HDMI PCs to display the title or play movies
  • No SDXC Card support yet

They’re constantly updating its firmware and iPad App.

Some of the cons should be resolved. According to some Japanese review article, Cervo is planning to add audio monitoring capability for iPad App, SDXC Card support


Quick Product Photos

The quick photos when I opened the product from the box for the 1st time.

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

Unwrapping Cerevo LiveWedge

